Miles Ever After by T.L. Swan (PDF/ePub) Free

Miles Ever After by T.L. Swan (PDF/ePub) Free Download and Read online.

About Miles Ever After PDF Story and Characters

The couple, Emily and Jameson

HILARIOUS TO THE MAX!!! I am relieved to find that this was just as entertaining as their book The Stopover; it has been a very long time since I have laughed that hard. The way in which the two of them play off of each other’s characteristics provides me with a great deal of amusement. His cutting remarks and astute comebacks were the highlight of the conversation for me because they caused me to burst out laughing.

The couple, Claire and Tristan

It is amazing to watch how successfully these guys are able to work together as a family unit in both their personal and business life. I thought it was really cool that they showed us a little bit of the behind-the-scenes action during the production of The Takeover. Because of Tristan’s guidance, those young men were able to mature into honourable adults, which played a significant role in the conclusion of their story.

The names Elliot and Kate

Unfortunately, I just wasn’t as interested in them as I was in the other characters in the series, and as a result, their book, The Casanova, ended up being the one I liked the least out of the whole collection. This wasn’t much of a surprise because who in their right mind would spend $1.6 million on a painting that their spouse had created in the first place? You can’t possibly be selling something with the sole intention of frittering away money, can you? When Emily and Jameson offered to be their surrogate, the epilogue struck a chord with me, as it would for many other people, and I found myself fighting back tears. I really do wish there was more to their story than just the fact that they had a daughter named Faith.

Hayden, as well as Christopher

Even though it was fun, the redo ended up coming in third place overall. I am so appreciative of their generosity in assisting Eddie, and I pray that he is able to live a life that is rich with experience and joy as a direct result of their actions. In spite of the fact that the beginning of their conclusion was rather slow and boring, it picked up considerably towards the end. Eddie’s story was one of my favourites throughout the entirety of the series, and this final book was no exception; however, I still find it difficult to picture him at the age of 22 wearing a Rolex. Despite this, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

About the T.L. Swan Author

I’m a psychology student, wife, and mother of three based out of Sydney, Australia. The Australian Schizophrenia Fellowship is where I find myself employed. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but real life has gotten in the way. It seemed like there was always something holding me back: work, exhaustion, or self-doubt. It was the best choice I’ve ever made, and I’ll never forget the morning I woke up and made the decision to take the jump. I’ve acquired a serious addiction to writing, and it gives me immense joy to give life to the sexy worlds I imagine and the attractive characters I create in my stories.

My ambition is to write swoon-worthy love stories that will stay with readers long after they’ve closed the cover.

Miles Ever After Book Summary

Now that we have the family tree we’ve been waiting for, we can better comprehend the kids and their habits. All that was concluded was true to form with the text. The way TL has written and brought these people to life, and the way she has captured their essence in so few pages, is nothing short of incredible. After finishing it, I can confidently state that it was time well spent.

I liked the Casanova resolution the best. Kate and Elliot’s struggle with infertility was so poignantly expressed that I could feel their pain. I sobbed my eyes out while reading about their ordeal. Although Emily’s popularity among viewers has always been high, her recent support for the newlyweds has solidified her status as my personal favourite character.

More background on Eddie was something I was eager to learn. What really got to me during the Do-positive Over was seeing how Christopher fell in love with Hayden and Eddie. I’m very happy for him that he’s grown up and made it.

I’m holding out hope that subsequent books will focus on the next generation of Miles.
I really like reading this. Tee’s books are always ones I recommend.

Miles Ever After by T.L. Swan (PDF/ePub) Free Download

Book Name:Miles Ever After
AuthorT.L. Swan
File Type:PDF (Downloadable)
PDF Size:800kb
ePub Size 258kb
Pages 195
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