The Six Deaths of the Saint (PDF/ePub) by Alix E. Harrow

The Six Deaths of the Saint PDF/ePub by Alix E. Harrow Free Book.

The Six Deaths of the Saint PDF/ePub

Book NameThe Six Deaths of the Saint
AuthorAlix E. Harrow
SeriesInto Shadow #3
FilePDF/ePub (Downloadable)
RelatedIf He Had Been With Me

The Saint of War rescues a servant girl so that she can one day become the strongest fighter in the kingdom, in this short but wonderfully written story by New York Times bestselling author Alix E. Harrow.

The girl owes the Prince a great deal and knows her power as a weapon in his hands. Thanks to her victories, he advances from king to empire. Her enemies cower whenever her name is spoken, and bards sing her praises. How many times can she argue that the war will never end and the cost will never stop rising?

Alix E. Harrow: A Biography

Kentucky native and author Alix e. harrow works full-time as a writer but has also held the positions of professor, adjunct professor, cashier, blueberry picker, and Kentuckian. Together with her husband and their sort-of-wild offspring, she has relocated to Virginia.

Hugo-winning author of the upcoming THE ONCE AND FUTURE WITCHES (2020), the forthcoming THE TEN THOUSAND DOORS OF JANUARY (2019), and the novella collections A SPINDLE SPLINTED and A MIRROR MENDED, as well as numerous short works. Her next novel, STARLING HOUSE, will be published on October 31, 2023.

Her literary agent is Kate McKean of the Howard Morhaim Agency.

Summary of the Book: The Six Deaths of the Saint

Alix E. Harrow is an expert short story writer.

Instead of being depressing, this is breathtaking in its bittersweetness. There are numerous unexpected turns in the plot, and you won’t get the full impact of the story if you know anything about it in advance. I found myself momentarily disoriented by the novel’s forced switching between first and second person perspectives, but it didn’t detract from my overall enjoyment of it.

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