The Hobbit (PDF/ePUB) By J.R.R. Tolkien Read Online For Free

The Hobbit (PDF/ePUB) By J.R.R. Tolkien Download and Read Online For Free.

The Hobbit Information

Book Name:The Hobbit
Author:J.R.R. Tolkien
SeriesThe Lord of the Rings #0
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size1.08 MB
ePub Size277 KB
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A hobbit dug a hole in the ground and made his home there. It was a hobbit-hole, and that indicates convenience; not a disgusting, dirty, damp hole filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor a dry, naked, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit on or eat.
The Hobbit, which J.R.R. Tolkien originally wrote for his own children, was an instant success upon its 1937 release.

A hesitant hero, a powerful and dangerous ring, and the ruthless dragon Smaug the Magnificent are introduced in this now-classic introduction to the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf, Gollum, and the majestic world of Middle-earth. This paperback book, which clocks in at a hefty 372 pages, is based on the 1998 British edition released by Collins Modern Classics and with an introduction by Douglas A. Anderson.

About The Author The Hobbit

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a prolific author, illustrator, academic, and linguist. Tolkien, who is revered by readers all over the world for penning The Lord of the Rings, He was an esteemed scholar at Oxford who specialised in Old and Middle English as well as Old Norse. He spent the majority of his career there. His imagination was unleashed in works of fiction, children’s literature, poetry, illustration, and made-up languages and alphabets, all of which occupied his spare time.

The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are set in Middle-earth, an imaginary realm created by Tolkien that has old and exceptional people living in strangely familiar circumstances. Tolkien speaks insightfully about love and loss, courage and treachery, humility and pride via this other universe, which is why his novels have such widespread and enduring appeal.

Tolkien enjoyed painting as a hobby and was rather good at it. His own stories frequently served as inspiration for his landscape paintings. He drew and painted several scenes from The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings to help him better visualise what he was writing about.

Tolkien taught Old and Middle English, together with Old Norse and Gothic, at the Universities of Leeds and Oxford for nearly forty years. He has a vast understanding of ancient languages, and his lectures on works like the Old English epic poem Beowulf shed new light on ancient peoples and traditions.

Tolkien was born to English parents in Bloemfontein, South Africa, in 1892. At the age of three, he and his family moved to England, where he grew up in and around Birmingham. After receiving his degree from Oxford in 1915, he enlisted in the military and served in France during World War I until being invalided home. After the war, he went back to his academic career and began teaching Old and Middle English. In addition to his professional endeavours, he spent his entire life developing what he called a “legendarium,” or mythology, for England. Middle-earth wasn’t the only thing Tolkien wrote, either; he also did poetry, Kidd it, and adult fairy tales. After spending the majority of his adult life there, he passed away in 1973 and was laid to rest at Oxford.

The Hobbit Book Summary

Bilbo Baggins is content with his simple life at Bag End. One day, however, Gandalf the Wizard arrives and convinces Bilbo to leave his cosy hobbit hole with a company of thirteen dwarves and embark on an adventure. The dwarves need a burglar because they are going on a journey to steal back their riches from the dragon Smaug, and Bilbo has been asked to join them.

For the first time, I fully appreciate why J.R.R. Tolkien is considered the forefather of modern fantasy. His prose is lyrical and otherworldly, and it was easy to lose myself in the plot and become engrossed in his words.

Like the dwarfs and the Wizard Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins is an endearing figure. Of course, Bilbo didn’t want to go on this voyage because he was a hobbit and hobbits don’t like adventures, but it seems by pure coincidence that he was the hobbit for the job, and I loved watching him grow as a character.

At just the right moments, I felt startled, heartbroken, afraid, and excited. I had little trouble visualising places like Bag End, Rivendell, and Gollum’s pool, and I often found myself laughing out loud at Tolkien’s subtle humour. My trip there and back was made more enchanted by Alan Lee’s gorgeous drawings in my copy.

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