The Ballad of Never After (PDF/ePUB) By Stephanie Garber

The Ballad of Never After (PDF/ePUB) By Stephanie Garber Read Online for free.

The Ballad of Never After ePub/PDF Information

Book Name:The Ballad of Never After
Author:Stephanie Garber
SeriesOnce Upon a Broken Heart #2
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size16.82 MB
ePub Size16.51 MB
Also ReadOnce Upon a Broken Heart (PDF/ePUB) By Stephanie Garber

Evangeline Fox vows she will never trust Jacks again once he betrays her. Jacks is the Prince of Hearts. Evangeline believes that she can restore the opportunity at happily ever after that Jacks robbed from her now that she has discovered her own magic.

But as a new horrific curse surfaces, Evangeline is forced into another precarious alliance with the Prince of Hearts. However, the norms have shifted this time around. Evangeline doesn’t just have to watch out for Jacks. Despite her animosity against him, he may be the one person she can put her trust in.

A murder spell, not a love spell, has been put upon Evangeline’s life. In order to defeat it, Evangeline and Jacks will have to face familiar allies and opponents as well as a magic that toy with their minds and emotions. For as long as she can remember, Evangeline has followed her heart.

Beginning of the Plot

A door in Wolf Hall’s royal library has been unused for generations, and explorer Evangeline Fox has been charged with opening it. Many have attempted to use magical keys to open the door, which is marked with a wolf’s head and a crown. Evangeline, who has no aversion to the nighttime, is pulled to the tiny prickle between her shoulder blades. She thinks Jacks, a dishonest apple eater of a scoundrel, is to blame for her husband Apollo’s emotional breakdown.

Jacks, although complacent and certain, nevertheless can’t put his faith in Evangeline because he’s preoccupied, driven, and devoid of conscience. As a consequence of his obsession with Evangeline, he has poisoned her husband and left a trail of corpses in his wake. Evangeline, on the other hand, refuses to give up faith that Jacks is indeed innocent.

Jacks reveals that he did everything for Evangeline to open the Valory Arch, despite her being an orphan with a wounded heart and a nasty stepsister. He goes on to say that he stabbed Evangeline three nights ago because she was a foolish vampire. She spent the night with him to prevent him from becoming a vampire by feeding on his blood.

Jacks had told her about Princess Donatella, the lady who had revived his heart, and how he’d later been stabbed in the chest by another woman. Now all that Evangeline wants is to get the key and rescue her husband, Apollo.

A lady named Evangeline approached Jacks for assistance and eventually came to see him as the compassionate Prince of Hearts. But Jacks had been hurt and had lost all emotion. Evangeline turned down his offer to assist her recover the missing stones and unlock the Valory Arch. If she aided him, Jacks said he would wake Apollo from his coma. Evangeline made up her mind to discover an other method of unlocking the locked library door that contained every lost Valours book and narrative. The stories, Evangeline reasoned, were about her healing, and they had the power to reawaken someone who had been in a coma. She unlocked the door with Jacks’s knife, and it finally gave way after hundreds of years. Evangeline finally understood the humour in Jacks’ behaviour and that she couldn’t expect much more from him.

About The Author Stephanie Garber

Once Upon a Broken Heart and The Ballad of Never After, written by Stephanie Garber, are #1 New York Times and international bestsellers. Thirty different languages have editions of her novels.

The Ballad of Never After Book Summary

There are clear patterns in Stephanie Garber’s writing that made this novel feel like a classic. I wouldn’t say the plot is predictable, but there is a particular pattern to how events develop that is typical of this writer. I wasn’t blown away by this series any more than I was by Caraval, and I didn’t think it was all that great of an improvement.

The two are so similar that I see no reason to compare them; nonetheless, many of you have told me, and others online have commented, that Caraval is a pale imitation of this. I’m not sure that’s accurate, though. And I don’t even mean that negatively. It’s understandable if Eva’s narrative resonates with you more than those of Scarlett and Tella, but since the plots of all three volumes followed the same formula, I didn’t see much of a difference. It’s not a negative thing, though, because I don’t feel the need to compare the two series and instead view them as a kind of continuation of each other, which is a first for me (because I always COMPARE BOOK).

Anyone who hasn’t read Caraval should, and anyone who hasn’t read OUABH should, read them both.

Stephanie Garber is back with her enchanted fairytale phrases, story lines, costumes, and settings, and the result is breathtaking. A movie adaptation is something I’d want to see, but as I was reading the book I kept thinking about how it would bankrupt the planet. I found the writing in this book to be more accessible than that of the previous, and I found that it was suitably evocative without slowing down the pacing of the story.

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