Lata Mangeshkar Quotes (55) In English/Hindi On Life, Death & Music

Lata Mangeshkar was one of India’s greatest playback singers. Since her debut in 1942, Lata Mangeshkar has recorded over 5,000 songs in over 15 languages (including Hindi, Panjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu, and others).

Lata Mangeshkar Young photo

The “Queen of Hindustani Classical Music” was a brilliant actress and producer in addition to being a significant figure in Indian playback singing.

In 1953, she created the popular Marathi film “Vaadal” for regional cinema, which was well received at the time. Jhaanjhar was released in 1953, Kanchan Ganga was released in 1955, and Lekin was released in 1990.

Even among those who may not have a strong familiarity with Indian music, Lata Mangeshkar is a global superstar in many parts of the globe. Many artists and singers, including those who have followed in her footsteps, cite Mangeshkar as an important source of inspiration.

Here is a collection of some of the most motivational quotations by Lata Mangeshkar, ranging from words about music to quotes about life & Death. You can read Lata Mangeshkar Quotes in English/Hindi and Telugu language using the translator tool on the top left.

Lata Mangeshkar Quotes on Personal Life & Death

The beautiful singer was a quiet person, but whenever she was questioned about her thoughts, she always responded in an honest and open manner. We shall delve into Lata Mangeshkar’s personal life via the lens of her quotes in this part, which will provide us with a glimpse into her own private sphere.

Quotes on life and motivation

The truth is that I’ve never felt my age. Time has passed by.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I believe in just one force, which is God’s hand. All faiths are respected by me.

~ Lata Mangeshkar
Lata Mangeshkar Quotes on song

Regardless of the ups and downs that have accompanied my path, I’ve always liked life.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

The wealthy are concerned about rising petrol and diesel costs, while the poor cannot afford two meals a day. Even though I am a little person, I urge us to look beyond our own personal and regional interests.

~ Lata Mangeshkar
Lata Mangeshkar Quotes on career

OP sahab and I have always had a wonderful connection. It’s only that I’d never be able to sing for him. But everytime we met, he spoke to me in the best way possible.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I am enraged. I’ve learned to manage it over time, but no one can make me do anything I don’t want to do while I’m angry.

~ Lata Mangeshkar
Lata Mangeshkar Quotes on life

With any of my sisters, I’ve never had a falling out. Because we sang such a wide variety of tunes, there was never any rivalry between us.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

My father shut down his drama business in order to establish a film studio on the Sangli Maharaja’s property. The film enterprise flopped miserably because my father was a simple man.

~ Lata Mangeshkar
Quotes on god

Yes! I definitely want to sing with Amitji. We had gotten together for a duet in Yash Chopraji’s film Silsila, Yeh kahan aa gaye hum. We didn’t, however, record it together.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

According to my knowledge and experience, money follows notoriety and reputation, while recognition requires a significant degree of sacrifice. You have to lose something in order to gain something. That’s how life works.

~ Lata Mangeshkar
Lata Quotes on life

One must be completely dedicated to one’s profession. Otherwise, it’s pointless.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

The wealthy are concerned about rising gasoline and diesel costs, while the poor cannot afford two meals a day. Even though I am a little person, I urge us to look beyond our own personal and regional interests.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I have a short fuse. I’ve become better at it over time, but no one can make me do anything I don’t want to do while I’m upset.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I’ve chosen not to take on any projects that don’t interest me.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I didn’t get to experience my childhood. I had to put in a lot of effort, but I was quickly promoted to playback.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

Awards, in my opinion, are a sign of people’s appreciation for me. So, regardless of how many awards I get, I am always emotional.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

My father died in 1942, and I had to start working three months after his death. On my shoulders was the burden of running the home. As the oldest kid in the family, it was my responsibility.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I would never agree to be the subject of a biopic. That’s because I’m not a believer. They irritate me.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

Kishore Kumar was a favourite of mine. He had a manly voice and was quite versatile.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

There was so much work when I first started out that I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I’d aim for recordings by 8.30 a.m., preferably on trains. I used to return home late at night. Everywhere I went, I was alone.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I enjoy the changes that come with people’s development, but I dislike the changes that occur in our life. Imagine my acceptance of the huge changes that have occurred since my arrival in Mumbai in 1945. I’ve seen every form of revolution there is.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

Those who accused me of having a monopoly were mistaken. Rumors about my “monopoly” were spread by the media. During interviews, the first thing I was usually asked was about my alleged monopoly.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

Lata Mangeshkar Quotes on Music and Singing

Lata Mangeshkar Quotes on music

Every song that the famous Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar has ever performed was enhanced by her presence.

Her one-of-a-kind approach to singing, as well as the tone and temperament of her voice, provided depth to the songs, many of which went on to become enduring hit tunes.

Her formidable singing made those songs immediately unforgettable, and the audience eagerly anticipated hearing more from her on their favourite songs whenever she performed them.

In honour of her, I’d like to share with you some of the most moving and thought-provoking remarks that Lata Mangeshkar ever sayings and quotes about music:

Music is the voice of the soul, the singer speaks only the words, the feelings become the voice of the conscience

You must add soul to the music as a musician.

You must add soul to the Song as a Singer.

I get the impression that God sent me to this world to sing. I began singing when I was five years old, but I don’t believe that I’ve put in as much effort as many other people have.

In the area of music, the day your ego entered the music, your musical expertise dropped to zero.

I believe God has given me to this planet to sing. I’ve been singing since I was five years old, but I don’t believe I’ve put in the same amount of effort as many others.

I wish I had spent more time studying classical music.

I couldn’t sing many songs the way I wanted to. I turn off the television or leave the room when such songs are shown.

Variety has dramatically decreased in today’s world. There are only a few outstanding Singers, such as A. R. Rahman, Anu Malik, Jatin-Lalit, and so on.

I believe I am unsuited to the kind of music being produced now. What I sung previously and what is being produced today are vastly different. This music isn’t horrible, however there are far too many rhythms.

In today’s movies, there are seven different music directors. I’d never heard of anything like that before. If one of our previous music directors had been asked to share a score with others, he would have walked away from the job.

I’ve been singing for almost 50 years, so I’m entitled to a rest. Besides, there are many of brilliant vocalists who can do their work justice.

Playback singing, in my opinion, has a lot to do with voice acting. I would advise all young people to learn about the characters, situations, and stories behind the music. That’s when you can inject some soul into the performance, which I believe is lacking in today’s music.

Shankar-Jaikishan, in my perspective, accomplished the most. They revolutionised the way we looked at playback singing with Raj Kapoor’s “Barsaat.”

My interest in photography is more casual, but singing is what really drives me.

The way a person is feeling on the inside has a significant bearing on the music that they create.

My voice is a gift from God, as well as the result of the prayers and support of my parents and guru

When you sing, you have an obligation to sing what’s in your heart, no matter what.

I will hand over the musical knowledge that I have to my country

Music is a sadhna, it is a worship, it will not be appropriate to do business of it

My Urdu isn’t very good when I speak it, but when I sing it, I’m certain that my novel is flawless.

Life Motivational Quotes

The more truthful a person is, the greater he is.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

In life, we should never give up, and we should keep working without stopping, since if we do so, we will undoubtedly achieve success at some point.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

To reach the pinnacle of life, you must put in a lot of effort.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

A person’s worth increases with his honesty.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

It’s tough to set a cap on an artist’s accomplishments and goals.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

Those who reach the peak quickly, they also come down at the same speed, as practice, spiritual practice gives new color to life.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

Making any guru miserable would prevent his knowledge from being put to good use.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

People should be fortunate enough to have friends that are both’mirror and shadow’ in their lives! Mirrors are never deceiving and never create a shadow.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

Even after undertaking tough sadhna, one who obtains knowledge develops a treasure of virtue, all of which is destroyed by the anger of a moment.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

It is the responsibility of great men to give back to society what they have been given by society throughout the course of their lives.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

The method in which a teacher disperses his knowledge across the community is similar to the way in which it should be every person’s responsibility to guarantee that their actions are taken with the best interests of society in mind.

~ Lata Mangeshkar

I had a strong sense of purpose and resolve. I wasn’t meant to be a loser.

~ Lata Mangeshkar Quotes
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