Addicted to You (PDF/ePub) By Krista Ritchie Read Online

Addicted to You (ePUB/PDF) By Krista Ritchie Read online for free.

Addicted to You ePub/PDF Information

Book Name:Addicted to You
Author:Krista Ritchie
SeriesAddicted #1
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size1.52 MB
ePub Size571 KB
Also ReadAddicted for Now (ePUB/PDF) By Krista Ritchie Read Online

This new adult romance is set in a world of passion, fame, swoon-worthy guys, and friendships that go deeper than blood, and fans of Gossip Girl, Friends, and Euphoria will devour it.

She has a sexual dependency. Because of his alcoholism, he must hit bottom before he can recover.

Lily Calloway’s biggest secret would be safe from discovery by anyone. Lily avoids the college party scene by hiding out in the restroom while everyone else gets down. So that I can sleep with somebody. As a result of her obsession, she frequently engages in one-night stands, hot hookups, and behaviour she later deeply regrets. Her one and only confidant also happens to be keeping secrets of his own.

Loren Hale considers his bottle of bourbon to be a close companion. Second place goes to Lily. They’ve been pretending to be a couple for three years while actually hiding their addictions from their families. They are experts at keeping the flasks and odd males that come and go from their place under wraps.

But as they spiral downwards into their addictions, they cling more tightly to each other and begin to question whether or not a genuine life together is preferable than a deception. They start letting strangers and family members into their carefully guarded lives, and as they face new obstacles, they begin to suspect that they have more than simply an alcohol and sex problem.

Perhaps their real addiction is to each other.

Beginning of the Plot

She has a sexual dependency. Because of his alcoholism, he must hit bottom before he can recover. Lily Calloway, who is very timid, is hiding a huge secret from everyone. Lily remains in the toilet while her other college students are out on the dance floor. To hook up sexually. Her addiction causes her to engage in embarrassing behaviour, such one-night encounters and hot hookups. Her one and only confidant also seems to be keeping secrets of his own. A bottle of bourbon is Loren Hale’s closest companion. Second place goes to Lily.

They had lied to their relatives about being in a true relationship for three years. They are experts at keeping the flasks and odd males that come and go from their flat under wraps. As they both struggle with substance abuse, however, they become more committed to their toxic partnership and begin to ponder whether or not a true life together would be preferable to a deception. They start letting strangers and family members into their carefully guarded lives, and as they face new obstacles, they begin to suspect that they have more than simply a drinking and sex problem.

About The Author Krista Ritchie

In spite of the fact that Krista is more of a scientific nerd and Becca is more of a comic book geek, the two of them joined creative forces as children and haven’t stopped dreaming up stories since. People in this group have a soft spot for superheroes, flawed prota goni, and true love.

Addicted to You Book Summary

This is so tragic it hurts! Substance abuse is terrifying. I had planned to give it 2 stars, but then something about it clicked.

Lily Calloway has a sex addiction. This is a bad, bad thing. Seriously, it’s horrible if you view porn while in class. Alcohol abuse is a problem for Loren Hale. Once more, it’s so bad that you’ll be out for a few nights. For a time, they protect each other’s secrets and enable one other’s harmful behaviour. Although I use the word “basically,” the situation was far more nuanced than that.

They feign dating to shield each other from the consequences of their addictions. Until we started to learn about each of them, especially how their family contributes to their addictions, I didn’t see what the goal was. They come from very wealthy families with respectable namesakes. That’s why it’s so important for them to maintain their reputation as model citizens. I kept telling myself, “At least they have each other,” since they were so closed up that they couldn’t confide in anybody else.

Could it be that they have developed a dependency on one another? When do you think they’re going to snap? Is there any chance they’ll tell anyone? When, if ever, will they get assistance?

Definitely going to buy the sequel. That conclusion strongly suggested I go out and get the sequel.

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