The Long Game (PDF/ePUB) By Elena Armas Read Online

The Long Game (PDF/ePUB) By Elena Armas Read Online for free.

The Long Game PDF/ePub Information

Book Name:The Long Game
Author:Elena Armas
SeriesLong Game #1
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size3.82 MB
ePub Size5.74 MB
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Adalyn Reyes has spent years refining her daily routine: get up early, get in her car, drive to the Miami Flames FC headquarters, do her best to make an impact, drive home.

But her regular schedule gets thrown off when a video of her fighting the team mascot goes viral. The owner of the team, who also happens to be her father, decides to give Adalyn another chance by sending her to rural North Carolina to coach the Green Warriors football team. Her schemes go apart when she learns that the players are nine-year-old youngsters, wear tutus to practise (which is impractical), maintain pet goats (which is dirty) and are afraid of Adalyn (which is unproductive).

Goalkeeping phenom Cameron Caldani is also in town, which just makes matters more confusing. Cam is the ideal person to assist Adalyn, but after a harrowing first encounter involving a rooster, Cam’s leg, and Advance bumper, Cam is determined to chase Adalyn away. Adalyn, however, refuses to be exiled. It can’t happen again. She sees helping this misfit group of kids as her long-term ticket to redemption. Even if Cam doesn’t pitch in.

Begining of the Plot

After the decapitation of the Miami Flames’ mascot Sparkles, the stadium and arena had to be evacuated. Adalyn Reyes, the vice president of operations, was heartbroken by the occurrence. Club president and CEO Andrew Underwood convened an emergency meeting to address the problem. Adalyn, the vice president of operations, was worried about the fallout. His father, who had created the format for media reports, doubted the author’s legitimacy. The author’s father, who had not given his blessing to the report, just browsed through it. The author’s dad was curious about how the news would cover the story.

Adalyn, a member of the Miami Flames’ staff, is a divisive character in the organisation. David, her father, says that she has received widespread backlash for her antics, including a video in which she physically attacks the team mascot, Sparkles. Adalyn is astounded by the six million total views the video has received across all platforms. She says she didn’t kill Sparkles, but she did decapitate a bird that stands for eternal life. Adalyn is unfazed by her father’s criticism and continues to care deeply about how she appears to others.

Miami Flames owner Andrew Underwood’s daughter, Adalyn Reyes, gets into a fight with the club mascot. David, worried about the situation, offers his daughter a pay increase. She fears the media’s scrutiny, yet she can’t remember the last time she shed a tear. Her father writes a press statement, accusing the media of using her for clickbait rather than doing an objective analysis. Adalyn’s dad says that the club is being investigated and is having problems with angry women. Her fitted pantsuit makes her feel out of place and makes her feel more smaller and less capable. The Miami Flames now feel inadequate and bereft because of her father’s conduct.

When Adalyn Underwood’s father, Andrew, found out about her employment at a club, he confronted her, saying that she was unprepared and unprofessional. She tries to keep the secret because she is afraid of her father’s reaction and how it would affect her relationship with the club. If she doesn’t agree to take on a charitable project, Underwood threatens to ship her off to Miami for the remainder of the season. Adalyn must act responsibly and keep her exile a secret from her mother. Adalyn is committed to her career and the club despite the stress.

About The Author Elena Armas

Spanish author Elena is a bookworm and hopeless romantic who loves to collect rare volumes. She has since written The Spanish Love Deception, a global hit that is being adapted to the big screen, and The American Housemate Experiment, an instant New York Times bestseller. She thinks it’s crazy that her works are being translated into more than 30 tongues.

She wants her audience to become so involved in what she writes that their hearts will beat, their palms will sweat, and their cheeks will flush with excitement. As a result, other people will be curious about what it is that her readers are reading and will want to see it for themselves.

The Long Game Book Summary

Adalyn and Cameron, both of whose lives have been upended and brought them to the same little town, are the protagonists of The Long Game. They have a tense initial encounter and continue to have communication issues even after living next to each other and working together as coaches and managers for a nine-year-old girls’ football team.

I enjoyed the alternating points of view, the humanity of the other characters, and, of course, Cameron (the man does yoga and has kittens?? Oh, pardon me! Elena Armas is an expert in her field. However, be ready: For better or worse, The Long Game is all about the slow burn; the anticipation builds to a fever pitch, but the chemistry between Adalyn and Cameron is undeniable once it finally ignites.

Beyond the first half’s sluggish pacing, my main gripe is that the traditional romance’s third-act conflict felt a little…silly, maybe? Not to spoil anything, but it seemed like a situation that could have benefited from a “let’s cool down and then talk” after an hour ballooned into something much more than it needed to be. It’s a minor point (many romance novels have you suspend some rational thought hehe), but I found myself caring less and less about the climactic showdown at the conclusion.

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