Son of the Slob (PDF/ePub) By Aron Beauregard Read Online

Son of the Slob (ePUB/PDF) By Aron Beauregard Read Online for free.

Son of the Slob Information

Book NameSon of the Slob
AuthorAron Beauregard
SeriesThe Slob #2
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The character of Vera Harlow is one of survival. When an accidental meeting landed her in The Slob’s filthy abode of horrors, she battled tooth and nail to free herself from his grasp. She managed to get away from the terrible scenario, but the memories of her ordeal are permanently imprinted on her body and mind.

Vera’s son is the result of a life of vileness. The man who took everything from her hasn’t finished planting his evil seed, Harold. His appearance and behaviour are repulsive, all too familiar, and growing increasingly worrisome by the day. Vera is determined to normalise her child’s life so that she can bring out the good qualities she has seen in him or her on rare occasions. Will the glimmer of hope she seeks emerge, or will she be left to mop up another bloodbath?

About The Author Aron Beauregard

Aron’s hometown and place of birth is Central Falls, RI. Since his parents found a short story titled “Zombie Child” stuffed in the back pocket of his dirty acid-washed jeans in the sixth grade, he has been writing horror. It concerned a young man who, after failing to win over the girl of his desires in real life, murdered her and impregnated her body. You can probably guess what happens next. The story did not go down well with his parents, who, rather than praising his imagination, probably thought he was planning to become a serial killer.

No matter what he did, bad things happened to him. He tried his hand (and failed) at music, filmmaking, and heavy drug usage before returning to what he does best: penning gory, strange, and scary content that often explores the dark side of humanity. He’s been idling for decades, but now he’s starting to publish (to the delight of some disturbed perverts).

With his wife and their friends, he investigates the most bizarre and horrible incidents in human history on the Evil Examined Podcast. Through the pitiful podium, he exudes a Manson-like charisma, selling his works of smut and violence to every goon who would listen.

Son of the Slob Book Summary

There’s a lot to hate in Aron Beauregard’s follow-up to The Slob, but it wasn’t perfect for me. To begin, it’s still a well-written and well-described story. Beauregard has shown that he can get to the point quickly and efficiently, but the chapters that focus on Vera’s paralysed husband, Daniel, read like they belong to a different book. Every time one of his chapters started, the pace slowed down. The tempo also falters near the beginning of the novel.

The narrators’ points of view are initially disorienting, shifting from first to third when Vera is not speaking. Still, I wrote it off as a bold move of imagination and not much of a problem. What I like best about Beauregard’s stories is how relentless the action is once the plot gets rolling. He never holds back on the disgusting, and I’m often impressed by how far he can take things when anything gruesome occurs. I would have liked there to be some kind of connection to the first book, explaining why The Slob acted the way he did.

I thought like that plot twist could have benefited from additional development in the book. Bet you didn’t have a blasphemous nun or a young meth-addicted prostitute on your bingo card, but they’re two of the wonderful new additions to the series. There may be too many unresolved plot threads and people left undeveloped, but it’s always interesting to take a brief foray into their lives.

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