Say You Swear (PDF/ePUB) By Meagan Brandy Read Online

Say You Swear (PDF/ePUB) By Meagan Brandy Read Online for free.

Say You Swear Information

Book Name:Say You Swear
Author:Meagan Brandy
File Type:PDF/ePub (Downloadable)
PDF Size:2.46 MB
ePub Size1.57 MB
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A Love Story Set in College…

For a long time, I’ve fantasised about what my life might be like if I went to college, and even if certain details shifted over time, there was always one element that remained the same.
It didn’t matter how far out of control I let my imagination go; in the end, it always brought me back to the same location.

Because of it, I found him.
My path forward was crystal plain, and he was on it.

He was there till all of a sudden… he wasn’t.

Now I’m a husk of the person I used to be, I’m travelling down a route that’s too hazy to follow, and I don’t see any way out.
No way to get higher.

First loves are said to be the ones that endure forever.
To put it simply, that is my greatest concern.

About The Author Meagan Brandy

Meagan Brandy, an acclaimed author recognised by the USA Today and Wall Street Journal, demonstrates expertise in crafting New Adult romance books that provide a unique perspective within the genre. The individual in question has a strong affinity for jukeboxes, engaging in frequent and enthusiastic discourse via the medium of song lyrics. Additionally, she possesses a notable inclination towards consuming sugary foods.

Meagan Brandy was born and raised in the state of California. Presently, she finds herself in a state of contentment as a married individual and a mother to three energetic kids, whose active pursuits need her constant engagement in shuttling between various sports venues. Her mental well-being may be attributed to both Starbucks and her engagement with literature.

Say You Swear Book Summary

The Book Say You Swear is a love triangle, college football sports romance with angst, friendships, love, and tragic moments that put me on an emotional rollercoaster and had me feeling all of the emotions. Say You Swear is set in a fictional town called Say you Swear, which is a play on the phrase “say you swear.”

Arianna Johnson “Ari,” her twin brother Mason, her closest friend Cameron, and their friends Brady and Chase make the decision to spend the remaining of the summer at their beach house together before they travel off to Vix for their first semester of college knowing that they won’t see each other as often as they have in the past. During their time at the beach home, Ari makes the decision to communicate her feelings to Chace because she believes that this will allow her to finally be with the guy she’s had her heart set on for a long time.

Only for him to drive a wedge between them following the events of that night while they were together. Once she is back at school, she puts distance between herself and her friends, who are more like family, and begins spending time with Noah Riley, the star quarterback of the football team, whom she had met at the beach home earlier in the day. They begin by befriending one another. He is patient with her, even though he is aware of all that took place between her and Chase, and he stays with her until their friendship develops into something more meaningful for both of them.

In a soft tone, he whispers, “Juliet, I must say, I consider myself quite brilliant.” His gaze gently shifts towards my lips, captivated by their allure. In this thought-provoking statement, the speaker emphasises the foolishness of releasing someone once they have been captured in the desired position. The repetition of the phrase “once they had you where they wanted you” further emphasises the speaker’s point, highlighting the significance of not letting go. It is a powerful reminder of the consequences that can arise from making hasty decisions without considering the potential outcomes.

“Say you swear” and “I swear” are both required phrases.

This was the first book I’d read by Meagan Brandy, and it lived up to my expectations in every way. Even though it brought me to tears at times, I found myself enjoying every single minute of it. This has been a part of my collection for a very long time, but I never got around to reading it because the only thing I knew about it was that it was quite upsetting. I’m glad that I finally made the decision to read it because, well, Noah really is the perfect model for a book husband! Even though it didn’t go very far into the future, the epilogue was a great way to close things out.

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