Sai Baba Quotes (140) To Make Your Mind Positive and Patience

Read Positive Shirdi Sai Baba Quotes in hindi/English/Tamil and other Indian languages to make your mind positive, patience and get inspiration for doing your karma better. For changing the language, use the tool on the top.

Sai Baba is famous for the lessons he taught on love and compassion for all people, whatever the religious background of the individuals he instructed.

It is not known very much about Sai Baba’s background, other than the fact that he moved to Shirdi, a tiny town in the state of Maharashtra in India, and lived the pious life of a saint there. Because of this, each and every one of his devotees looks up to him as “Shirdi Sai Baba.”

The teachings of Sai Baba were devotedly written down by his followers and are currently the only source of his wisdom. This is also where all of Sai Baba’s quotes can be found. Despite the fact that he did not write any scriptures himself, Sai Baba’s teachings are available. He is regarded as a member of both the Hindu community and the Muslim community, and he was effective in bringing people of both groups into agreement with one another. His primary advice was to live a life of virtue and love toward all people while also living humbly within the community. This was the foundation of his teachings. know everything about Sai Baba by clicking on the link.

Positive Sai Baba Quotes in English/Hindi/Tamil

Sai Baba inspires us with a variety of motivational and inspirational quotations. We get a boost of inspiration from Sai baba quotes. A devotee’s sole source of enlightenment is from the outstanding Shri Sai Baba quotations in English provided below. For the most part, his advice encourages people to have a happy life and show kindness to everyone they meet, all while maintaining harmony within the neighbourhood. As a Muslim and a Hindu, Sai baba was able to unite people from both faiths around his teachings and practises.

If formless meditation is difficult for you, consider my shape as it appears here. The distinction between subject and object is erased in such concentration, and the mind melts into oneness.

Read more Meditation Quotes

Your worth isn’t diminished because someone can’t perceive how valuable you are.

— Sai baba quotes

Be strong. because things will eventually improve. It may be stormy right now, but it never rains for an indefinite amount of time.”

— Sai baba

Try not to give up! Your miracle is on its way.”

— Sai baba

If there is a delay, it indicates that there is something wonderful is waiting for you, so try not to get discouraged by the wait.

— Sai baba

Don’t dwell in the past because it will just make the present more difficult.” Living in the past and reminiscing about it has never led to anyone’s success. Child, you must stay in the here and now.

— Sai Baba

“Have some bravery and some courage! Do not let fear or discouragement get the better of you. Your god is always there with you, no matter where you go.”

— Sai baba

“When God removes everything from you and makes you empty, then when that time comes, don’t be sad because God is going to give fresh life to you… and then he will begin handing over all of the goods to you.”

— Sai baba

The path that leads from suffering to joy… The realisation that you are happy can only come via suffering… If you are experiencing suffering in your life, it is a sign that you are on the path to achieving happiness in the future.

— Sai baba

“My cherished ones… Just keep in mind that things will need to work out for the worse before they can work out for the better.

— Sai baba

“Let me take care of all your troubles and ease your anguish. Put them at my feet and walk away. And in exchange, you get to keep the smiles and the peace. I am forever for you. There for you to rely on.

— Sai baba

When you are able to calm your mind, your soul will take over since it is always attempting to assert its presence over the chatter in your head.

— Sai baba

Don’t worry, child; I will assist you in finishing all of the job that you have left undone. We are going to finish it up together.”

— Sai Baba

“While I keep a watchful eye on you…” I am aware of the motivation behind everything you do and am aware of the darkest secret that lies inside your heart.

— Sai Baba

When a person’s heart is in agony from suffering, the loads become too heavy, and the route becomes hazardous. Chant more, pray more, and remain connected with me more, and fill up the emptiness with more of both me and my name.”

— Sai baba

“Rid yourself of any and all unfavourable thoughts so that I may fill you with my grace,”

— Sai Baba

“Remember that I am your guru,” baba said. and don’t wonder why things are going the way they are with you right now… Believe me, my child, because I know that there are many positive things that are hiding underneath the current negative scenario, and that is why I am telling you this.

— Sai baba

“Don’t expect me to show my presence every time, but I assure that when you need me the most, you will feel my powerful presence.”

– Sai Baba

“There is only one caste, and that caste is the caste of humanity.” Love is the only true religion, and there is only one of them. There is only one language, and that is the language that can be understood by the heart.

— Sai baba

“Have no fear, for I am personally standing guard over you and your loved ones.”

— Sai baba

It’s sheer delight to meditate on me, whether with or without form.

Quotes on Karma

You receive what you sow. You receive what you give.

If you’re going to do anything, do it completely or don’t do it at all.

Never use poisonous language against others, since words can do more permanent damage than even arrows can.

— Sri Sai baba

Those who are aware of themselves are the wise ones.

— Sai baba

Learn to act on what you say

— Shirdi Sai baba

Always keep in mind, my child, that every person that enters your life has some kind of connection with you.

— Sai baba

Listen to my directions, and proceed with caution… I am unable to appear before you in human form in order to guide you… In order to train you, I will be employing a variety of formats… You have a responsibility to comprehend their instructions.

— Sai baba

“You don’t need to do anything other than look towards me; doing so will help reduce your karmas… Looking continually towards me will… Continue to meet your gaze with mine.

— Sai baba

Be modest if you are rich. When plants yield fruit, they bow.

— Sai baba

Spend money on charity; be generous and generous without going overboard.

— Sai baba

Carry on with your daily tasks with joy, but never forget God.

— Sai baba

Life’s pricks should not be fought.

— Sai baba

Treat each creature that comes to you, human or otherwise, with respect.

— Sai baba

Do not get fixated with the value of money.

— Sai baba

Look for the divine in others.

— Sai baba

Don’t yell at them or be angry; instead, put up with their concerns.

— Sai baba

Give food to those who are hungry, drink to those who are thirsty, and clothing to those who are naked. God will be happy then.

God isn’t all that far away. He is neither in the heavens above nor in the depths of hell. He is constantly close by.

Anyone who is enraged with another wounds me to the bone.

If you can’t listen abusive words from others, simply utter a simple word or two, or leave.

What do we gain from the good fortune of others? Let us rejoice with them or aspire to be like them.

If someone offends you, do not retaliate.

Sin will not be forgiven unless one falls at God’s feet.

Quotes On Patience and Faith

Saburi (patience) transports you to your destination.

Patience isn’t about being able to wait, it’s how you respond while waiting.

— Sai baba

Patience is the capacity to keep going while waiting, rather than the ability to wait.

— Sai baba

The six Sastras and the four sadhanas are optional. It’s enough to have entire faith in your guru.

Right now, the most important thing you can do is to remain patient while things are working out for you. This is the most effective action you can do.

— Sai baba

One who never loses patience when praying and learns to wait in the process of praying is blessed. Due to the fact that my timing is always spot on

— Sai baba

There is a barrier between oneself and others, as well as between you and me. Take down this barrier!

“If you continue to have patience and faith, then your request will be granted.”

— Sai baba

Care about God as an act of worship, and watch while he transforms your challenges into opportunities.

— Sai Baba

I will never ignore you and will always look out for your safety.”

— Sai baba

Faith is recognising that something is impossible yet at the same time being certain that BABA will not let you down.

— Sai baba

Whoever repeats my name gets my attention.

“Give me complete control of the situation, and then tell me how it turns out.

— Sai baba

Why are you letting your anxiety get the best of you when you already know that your sai blessings will follow you wherever you go? Have you completely lost trust in me?

— Sai baba

I will see to it that all of the details pertaining to your visit to Shirdi are taken care of… You are going to be astonished.”

“Have faith in me, and I will make sure that your petition is heard.”

“Relax… I am now in charge of resolving your issues.

“I will make the arrangements so that they are in your favour. Put your trust in what I have to say.” – Sai Baba

“Now look at what I Am Giving You… You may anticipate receiving MORE than you expected for.

“Sai has the ability to smooth over the rough spots in your life.”

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go: I will consult you with my eye upon you,” says the Lord. ” – Sai Baba

— Sai baba shirdi

“You may feel hopeless and all alone, but SAI understands precisely where you are, and he has a positive plan for your life,”

— Sai baba

“The gloom that has surrounded you for so many years in your life will now vanish.”

— Sai baba

“Whenever I make a promise to one of my devotees, you may be certain that it will be kept.”

— Sai baba

“I will bring back your health, your finances, your peace, your sleep, and your joy,” I will say to you. Have patience as well as trust.”

—Sai Baba

“BABA always arrives on time; he’s never early and he’s never late.” It requires some perseverance and confidence, but the end result will be well worth the effort. –

— Sai Baba

“I have nowhere else to live; your heart is really my home,”.

—Sai Baba

“My blessings follow you everywhere.”

— Sai baba

Complete faith in the Guru. There is no other sadhana.

“Constantly keep him in your emotions; he will look after you.”

— Sai baba

Quotes on Life by Sai Baba

When you believe that everything that happens in your life, whether it be good or bad, is according to the will of God, you will always be satisfied

“Pray and have faith; the result and time are both in God’s hands,”.

Your miserable life days will eventually give way to joyous ones. Believe in my words.”

“Do you realise why you are in such a pickle? It’s because you’re anxious about the future. You never stop worrying about the future, which is the root of all of your issues… Don’t worry about the future; just focus on the here and now. God will see to it that everything goes well in the future.

Don’t weep just because it’s all over. “Cheer up, There is more happiness on the way!

Short Quotes on Love by Shirdi Sai baba

I am a slave to those who love me and consider everything else to be insignificant.

They will attain God if they just see me and me alone, listen to my Leelas, and commit themselves to me alone.

Nobody makes me mad. Will a mother get angry with her kids? Will the ocean bring the water back to the rivers?

You will achieve the highest objective if you make me the full focus of your thoughts and goals.

My devotee has me as his slave.

Keep silent and stick close to me. I’ll take care of the rest.

What is our responsibility? to act appropriately That is sufficient.

My gaze is always drawn to people that love me.

Those who make me the only object of their affection blend with me like a river in the sea.

Constantly keep in mind that I am always aware of whatever you do, no matter where you are.

I will not allow my followers to suffer.

I extend out my hands to help a devotee who is about to fall.

My treasury is open, yet no one comes with carts to raid it. “Dig!” I shout, but no one responds.

My people do not seek me out on their own; I seek them out and bring them to me.

All that is visible is my forms, ant, fly, prince, and pauper.

I bring my followers closer to me, much as we pull a bird closer to us with a thread attached to its foot.

God will demonstrate His love. He treats everyone with respect.

I love devotion.

This body is only my residence. My guru has long since removed me from it.

Those who believe Baba is solely in Shirdi are completely unaware of who I am.

Even a leaf cannot move without God’s elegance.

I give everyone the same amount of attention.

Without God’s consent, I am powerless.

God has agents all across the world with great capabilities.

I have to care for my children 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and answer to God for every paisa.

Whoever loves me while withdrawing their heart from their wife, kid, and parents is my true lover.

Everything is regarded as their Guru by my disciples.

Inspirational Quotes by Sai baba

What God provides never runs out, but what men give never lasts.

Be happy and pleased with whatever comes your way.

Poverty is the greatest of riches, a thousand times greater than a king’s fortune.

Put your whole trust in God’s providence.

Be honest, upright, and virtuous, and distinguish between right and evil.

Do not be enslaved by egotism and believe that you are the source of action: all is due to God.

We shall be detached and free from karmic bonds if we consider all deeds as God’s work.

Other people’s actions will only have an impact on them. Only your own actions will have an impact on you.

God will protect you if you avoid competition and conflict.

People mistreat their own family and friends, yet it is only after many meritorious deeds that a human being is born. So, why are you coming to Shirdi to insult people?

God’s activity manifests itself in death and life. The two are inextricably linked. God is everywhere.

For those hooked to desire, Mukti is unattainable for them

God is in charge of gain and loss, birth and death.

When your inner eye is active. Then you understand you are God, and you are not apart from Him.

Avoid needless conflict.

The donor provides, but he is actually planting the seed for a big harvest later.

Wealth is only a tool for practising dharma. It is a waste of money if it is used just for personal pleasure.

The glory belongs to God. I am only God’s slave.

Best Quotes to make your mind Calm with Sai Baba

Harsh words will not penetrate your skin. If someone says anything negative about you, simply keep going.

Do not engage in jealousy, retaliate, or defame someone.

Satsang that associates with the positive is beneficial. Associating with evil-minded individuals, or dussaya, is bad and should be avoided.

Speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

Nobody wants to steal from me what I freely share.

Choose people who will be there for you through good and bad times

Consider what you’ve read and how it makes you feel about God.

I provide anything my followers desire until they ask for what I wish to give.

You should not spend even a single second in a location where people are disparaging a saint.

If you don’t want to give up what you have, don’t lie and pretend you have nothing; instead, respectfully refuse, stating that circumstances or your own wishes prohibit you from doing so.

Let us be modest.

Recognize the existence of a Moral Law that governs outcomes. Then adhere to this Law without fail.

The gods are all one. Between a Hindu and a Muslim, there is no distinction. The mosque and the temple are the same thing.

The Moral Law is inexorable, therefore obey it and you will arrive at your destination: God is the Moral Law’s perfection.

Sai Baba’s Precious Words

  • Anyone who steps foot on Shirdi land will have their troubles cease.
  • As soon as they ascend the stairs of my Samadhi, the unhappy and sad will be filled with pleasure and delight.
  • Even when I leave this physical body, I will remain active and energetic.
  • My tomb will bless and speak to my worshippers’ wants.
  • Even in my grave, I will remain active and energetic.
  • From my grave, my lifeless remnants shall speak.
  • I am always there to assist and guide those who come to me, submit to me, and seek shelter in me.
  • I look to you if you look to me.
  • If you place your weight on my shoulders, I will gladly accept it.
  • If you want my advice and assistance, you will get it right away.
  • There will be no shortages at my devotee’s home.

Sai Baba Quotes images in English

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