Heartstopper (PDF/ePUB) By Alice Oseman Read Online

Heartstopper (PDF/ePUB) By Alice Oseman read online for free.

Heartstopper Information

Book Name:Heartstopper
Author:Alice Oseman 
SeriesHeartstopper #1
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size16.31 MB
ePub Size15.90 MB
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Charlie, an individual with heightened emotional sensitivity and a publicly acknowledged homosexual orientation, who tends to excessively analyse situations, encounters Nick, a jovial and compassionate athlete involved in the sport of rugby, within the context of a British educational institution only catering to male students. The phenomenon of friendship often manifests with rapidity, although it raises the question of the potential existence of a deeper connection.

Charlie Spring is currently enrolled in Year 10 at Truham Grammar School for Boys. The preceding year has been characterised by unfavourable circumstances, although it is noteworthy that he is no longer subjected to instances of bullying. Nick Nelson is currently enrolled in the eleventh grade and actively participates as a member of the rugby squad at his school. The individual has acquired limited knowledge regarding Charlie, the adolescent who was publicly revealed as a result of an incident last year and then subjected to persistent mistreatment for a period of several months. However, the individual has not yet had the chance to engage in a conversation with Charlie.

A rapid establishment of friendship occurs between them, leading to Charlie developing strong romantic feelings for Nick, while perceiving a lack of probability for reciprocation. However, the phenomenon of love operates in unexpected manners, and occasionally, favourable circumstances are imminent in close proximity.

About The Author Alice Oseman 

Alice Oseman, a Kent-born individual hailing from England, has garnered accolades as a distinguished novelist, illustrator, and scriptwriter. The author has authored a collection of four young adult current novels that revolve around various teenage predicaments, including SOLITAIRE, RADIO SILENCE, I WAS BORN FOR THIS, and LOVELESS. The individual in question is the originator of the LGBTQ+ young adult romance webcomic titled HEARTSTOPPER. This webcomic has since been transformed into a print publication by Hachette Children’s Books. Additionally, she assumes the roles of writer, creator, and executive producer for the television version of HEARTSTOPPER, which is slated for release on the streaming platform Netflix.

Alice’s inaugural literary work, titled SOLITAIRE, was successfully published at the tender age of nineteen. The young adult novels authored by her have received nominations for esteemed literary accolades such as the YA Book Prize, the Inky Awards, the Carnegie Medal, and the Goodreads Choice Awards.

In addition to engaging in the activities of writing and painting, Alice derives pleasure from playing the piano at a semi-proficient level, indulging in Pokémon games, and exhibiting a tendency to acquire an excessive number of Converse shoes.

Heartstopper Book Summary

Heartstopper is a comic novel that is derived from the characters of Charlie and Nick. Two adolescent males encounter one another and cultivate a profound bond of companionship. However, as time elapses, is it possible that there may be further underlying factors influencing their relationship?

I made the decision to select this book as a brief Valentine’s Day reading material, and I am really pleased with my choice. I am experiencing a profound sense of emotional contentment and joy within my heart. Prior to this occasion, I had not engaged in the consumption of graphic novels, nevertheless I found the experience to be really enjoyable. I do not anticipate incorporating them into my routine on a daily basis, but I do intend to engage in further reading, particularly with respect to the remaining installments in this series. I am pleased to have ventured beyond my comfort zone in this instance. I experienced a sensation reminiscent of being transported back to my adolescent years. I observed the repetition of emotions and scenes unfolding before me.

I have developed a profound affection for the characters Nick and Charlie, and I now get the reasons behind the widespread popularity of this work. The pages exude a captivating appeal. Nellie is regarded as one of the most beloved characters in literature. I greatly appreciated the emotional impact of this book, as it evoked a profound sense of joy and uplifted my spirits. However, what I find most captivating is the profound significance and potential impact it can have on individuals who are grappling with their personal identity and emotions. This literary work possesses significant potential as a valuable resource for both LGBT+ adolescents and adults, while also imparting crucial insights applicable to anyone who do not identify as LGBT+.

I would highly suggest this work to enthusiasts of graphic novels, as well as anybody seeking to delve into the realm of LGBT+ identities or expand their knowledge on the subject matter. Additionally, this book is better suited for enthusiasts of young adult literature.

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