Epicurus Quotes (52) on God, Happiness, Life & Death in English/Hindi

Is God willing to stop evil from happening but unable to do so? Then he does not have all possible powers.

Is he capable but unwilling to do it? Then he is malicious.

Is he able as well as willing to do it? Then where does evil originate from?

Is he unable as well as unwilling to do it? Then why do we refer to him as God?

If the prayers of humans were heard by the gods, then humans would have extinguished themselves very fast since they are always praying for evil against one another.

The very renowned philosophical system known as Epicureanism was established by the ancient Greek philosopher and sage Epicurus. He was born to Athenians on the island of Samos in Greek.

BornFebruary 341 BC
Samos, Greece
Died270 BC (aged about 72)
Athens, Greece
EraHellenistic philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy

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Epicurus Quotes

The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.

Remember that what you now have was once among the things you could only aspire for, and do not ruin what you have by seeking what you have not.

Epicurus Quotes on death

We are not concerned about death since it does not exist while we are alive. And when it happens, we won’t be here anymore.

Epicurus Quotes on life

For the man for whom enough is too little, nothing is sufficient.

Epicurus Quotes on happiness

We are helped more by our friends’ faith in helping us than by their actual assistance.

It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain by himself.

No one should delay seeking knowledge while they are young or get bored of it when they are older. For the health of the soul, neither a young age nor a late age exist.

Epicurus Quotes on god

Living well and dying properly are two sides of the same coin.

Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.

All people would have died very rapidly if God had answered the prayers of mankind, because they are constantly asking for evil against one another.

The ability to form friends is among the things knowledge offers to make us completely content, and it ranks highly among them.

It is foolish for a man to ask the gods for what he is capable of obtaining on his own.

Better than the riches of the stupid is the misery of the wise.

Without leading a knowledgeable, good, and fair life, it is difficult to enjoy oneself. Furthermore, it is hard to live intelligently, skillfully, and justly without also enjoying yourself.

Don’t be afraid of the gods, and don’t be concerned about your own mortality; what is excellent is simple to get, and what is awful is simple to bear.

Justice is just an agreement between men; it does not exist in a general sense.

Because it is difficult to amass numerous goods without being subservient to crowds or rulers, a free existence cannot amass many possessions.

It is feasible to provide protection against other afflictions, but when it comes to death, we men live in a city without walls.

When you are compelled to be in a crowd, most of you should retreat inside yourself.

The clever man never experiences misfortune because reason always serves his highest and most important interests.

It is preferable for you to remain fearless while laying on a pallet as opposed to having a wealthy table and a golden sofa and being in constant turmoil.

Both young and old should seek out wisdom for the same reasons: the former so that, as age comes over him, he may be young in good things because of the grace of what has been, and the latter so that, while he is still young, he may at the same time be old, because he does not fear the things that are to come in the future.

A form of agreement not to injure or be harmed is at the heart of justice.

We do not so much need the assistance of our friends as we do the assurance that they will assist us when we are in need.

Since of this, death, the worst of all possible miseries, is of no consequence to us because while we are there, death does not occur, and when death does come, we are not there.

Whoever cannot find contentment in even the smallest of things will never find it in anything.

The wealth that is necessary by nature is constrained and not difficult to acquire; yet, the riches that is demanded by ideals that are not realistic expands to infinity.

You won’t grow as a courageous person if you spend every day finding joy in the connections you have. You acquire it through making it through trying times and rising to the challenge of adversity.

Not what we own, but what we take pleasure in, is the true measure of our richness.

I have never had the need to appeal to the crowd since I am aware of things that they do not approve of, and I am unaware of things that they do approve of.

Never say that I have taken it, only that I have returned it. Never say that I have taken it.

The argument of the philosopher is without merit since it does not alleviate any kind of human misery.

Wisdom, on the one hand, is a finite good, while friendship, on the other hand, is an infinitely lasting one. The noble man is primarily concerned with wisdom and friendship.

The life of a fool is devoid of thankfulness and filled with concerns; its trajectory is entirely focused on the future.

Fools are tormented by the memory of past misfortunes, while wise men have the delight of renewing in grateful remembrance the blessings of the past. We have the ability to both forget about our misfortunes in a manner that is almost permanent and to conjure up pleasant and agreeable memories of our accomplishments. This power resides within us. But when we concentrate our mental vision intently on the happenings of the past, then either sadness or joy will follow, depending on whether or not those occurrences were harmful or beneficial.

Quotes on Pleasure

The first and most important good is pleasure. It is the starting point for each and every decision, as well as each and every aversion. It is the state of having no aches or pains in the body and no worries or concerns in the mind.

The pursuit of happiness should start and finish with gratifying experiences. Epicurus proposed that pleasure, which he defined as the absence of suffering, is the greatest possible good.

The pinnacle of pleasure is reached when all factors contributing to discomfort are removed.

The pursuit of happiness should start and finish with gratifying experiences.

When we say that pleasure is the end, we do not mean the pleasure of the profligate or that which depends on physical enjoyment – as some people believe who do not understand our teachings, disagree with them, or give them an evil interpretation – but rather, by pleasure, we mean the state in which the body is free from pain and the mind is free from anxiety.

All feelings are genuine; pleasure is our natural desire.

We begin every act of choosing and avoidance from pleasure, and we return to pleasure by utilising our experiences of pleasure as the standard by which we judge every good thing.

My garden is not one to whet the hunger; rather, it is one that fulfils it. It does not result in hunger as a result of careless consumption, but rather it satisfies the need by providing the natural antidote for it. In the midst of such joys as these, I’ve reached my senior years.

There is no such thing as a bad pleasure; nonetheless, the ways in which some pleasures might be obtained often result in agony that is many times worse than the joys themselves.

The highest and best benefit for human beings is the experience of calm joy.

The physical body has the mistaken belief that pleasure is infinite and that it requires an infinite amount of time to experience it. The mental body, on the other hand, recognises the end and limit of the physical body and frees itself of worries about the future. This enables the mental body to secure a full life and eliminates the requirement for an infinite amount of time.

The total eradication of suffering is the point at which one may experience joy to its fullest extent. When such pleasure is experienced, there is no pain, whether in the body, the mind, or both at the same time. This holds true whether the pleasure is continuous or not.

Epicurus Quotes on happiness

If you want to make a man happy, don’t increase his wealth; instead, reduce his wants.

Our abundance is made out of what we enjoy, not what we own.

We must engage in activities that make us happy because if we are happy, we have everything, and if we are unhappy, all of our efforts are focused on achieving happiness.

I have never had the ambition to win over the rabble. What made them happy, I was never able to figure out, and what I understood was light years ahead of what they could comprehend.

It is the same as saying that the time for happiness has not yet arrived or that the time has already gone if one believes that the time for philosophy has not yet arrived or that the time for philosophy has already past.

Epicurus Quotes on Death

Why should I be afraid of dying?
In the event that I am, then death cannot be.
If Death is, then it cannot be that I am.
Why should I be afraid of something that can only exist if I am not there to see it?
Men have been held down by servile dread for a very long time.
Religious tyranny did domineer.
Finally, the powerful figure from Greece started to agree with the concept of human liberty.

Epicurus Said: Acclimate yourself to the idea that death is not something that we should be concerned about since all good and evil are based on sensation, and sensation comes to a stop with death.

The sincere understanding that death is nothing to us makes a mortal life pleasant, not by adding an endless amount of time to it, but by removing the yearning for immortality from that existence.

Because there is no reason why a man who is completely certain that there is nothing to fear in death should find anything to fear in life. For there is no reason why this man should find anything to fear in life.

Also, he is ignorant who claims that he is afraid of death, not because it will be terrible when it arrives, but because the thought of it causes him pain; because anything that does not create any burden when it is really present causes anguish for no reason when it is anticipated.

Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; while we exist, death is not present, and when death is present, we no longer exist. This is why death, the most feared of all evils, is of no concern to us.

Because it is not present to the living, and because it is no longer present to the dead, it has no meaning for either the living or the dead. Therefore, it has no significance for either group.

Epicurus Philosophy

The overall conviction that our life on this earth comes with no strings attached was the most important aspect of Epicurus’ philosophy of nature. He believed that there is no Maker whose puppets we are; that there is no script for us to follow and be constrained by; and that it is up to us to discover the real constraints that our own nature imposes on us.

Thoughts on love

We have the notion that we need romantic relationships.People were preoccupied with love then, just as they are today. Epicurus, on the other hand, made the observation that contentment and love—much less marriage—almost never go together. There is an unhealthy amount of competition, hostility, and misunderstanding. It is impossible to simplify sexual activity, and it is almost never in accord with love.

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