Dom (PDF/ePUB) By S.J. Tilly Read Online For Free

Dom (PDF/ePUB) By S.J. Tilly Download and Read Online For Free.

Dom S.J. Tilly PDF/ePub Information

Book Name:Dom
Author:S.J. Tilly
SeriesAlliance #3
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size1.44 MB
ePub Size629 KB
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I attended my first funeral at the tender age of nine. In addition to coming to terms with my father’s passing, I had to face some really unpleasant realities.

I attended my mother’s funeral when I was 19 years old. Even though we weren’t very close, her passing left me feeling more isolated than ever.

The Alliance is run by my half-brother, that much is certain. He’s hired a bodyguard and chauffeur to keep an eye on me. However, I lack close personal relationships with anyone. I have no one to love me deeply.

That is, until I finally get to meet him. In reference to the airport man.

I allow myself to think that maybe he is the one when a casual encounter develops into something more passionate and meaningful. Perhaps this man will be the one to rescue me from my isolation. That person who would complete my life and make me a family.


I was born into the Mafia. I make a living doing this.

Therefore, extreme measures are required when blood is shed and one funeral becomes three.

And when this fight becomes a war, I’ll need additional men. Strength to it.

I’ll have to call on The Alliance for help.

In addition, I’d like to join. To whatever extent is required.

Introduction of The Plot

The first time the narrator attends a funeral, they feel like a stranger in a vast church. They notice that their mother, Valentina, is becoming quiet, and one of them manages to lift her skirt so high that it covers her knees. There are many of people dressed in black and whispering inside the enormous cathedral, just as in the movies. The narrator is mature enough to know the meaning of death yet still considers them to be relatives.

If the narrator’s mother wasn’t so unpleasant, they may have asked to move up a few seats. They remember how much their dad emphasised the importance of family to him. They recall asking him to move in with them, but he politely declined.

They wipe their tears and look blankly at the picture of their father. He informed them their hair colour was similar to his when he was a kid. They are debating whether or not to preserve the framed large photograph that was produced for the burial. They feel that keeping the picture will be a nice way to remember their loved ones.

A guy in long robes walks into a church and announces that he has been summoned to return to his heavenly home. King and Aspen, his father’s children with his wife Barbara, are mentioned as survivors. The guy is speaking very loudly and cryptically, but the narrator doesn’t catch a word of what he’s saying. In the first row, they see a guy who looks like their father but is taller and has the same colour hair.

The narrator’s mother gives her a death gaze, fighting to keep her emotions in check. Her throat hurts and she isn’t sure whether she’s sobbing for her dad or herself. She also can’t help but think that her mother would have been better to her if she’d had her father around.

The guy in the robe invites them to “go with God” while they wait in the aisle, leaving the narrator speechless. To her, the man’s words, “Go with God,” ring with the finality of a death sentence. She spins around to see a lady with a black veil proceeding down the aisle. She turns to the narrator, who is ostensibly her sister. She avoids her, yet she considers her brother to be dishonest.

The narrator averts her gaze before the guy can glance at her because she fears being disliked. She thinks her parents are dishonest and that they actively want to hurt her. She hopes just to find love and not hostility.

About The Author S.J. Tilly

S.J. Tilly and her husband have a pack of boxers and make their home in Minnesota. She has an obsessive obsession with reading and writing, and spends far too much time with her head in books. She undoubtedly plays with her plants as if she knew how to grow when she’s not buried in text messages or annoying her dogs.

Dom Book Summary

At a young age, Valentine learned that the world is not always as it seems. She only wanted to have a normal family and be loved. Instead, she has experienced verbal and emotional abuse at the hands of those tasked with loving and caring for her, leading her to feel like she does not belong anywhere and is completely alone. When she meets a tattooed, attractive, and very domineering guy at the airport, everything changes.

Dominic looks to be everything Val might want in a partner. Giving her the one-on-one care and consideration she deserves. When they finally do meet up in Vegas, however, the truth of that chance encounter begins to emerge, and Valentine learns that Dominic will do anything to protect those he loves, even if it means putting others in harm’s way.

Let me see if I can say this without giving too much away. For me, reading this book was like riding an emotional roller coaster. As Valentine and Dominic worked out their differences, my emotions ranged from pure hatred to utter despair to a surprising burst of love.

There were parts of this book were I cried because of how much I cared about Valentine and how hopeless I felt about her and her circumstances. The truth is that I despised Dominic. For a large chunk of this novel, I struggled to find common ground with the protagonist’s character, even while I understood his motivations. To say he is a morally ambiguous figure would be an understatement. However, he does make an effort to make amends, and whether or not he is successful is up for debate.

One of the best things about this novel is Val. Her strength, tenderness, and capacity for forgiveness are inspiring. Seeing Nero, King, and Dominic all in one place was incredible; there was so much alpha energy! And that conclusion.While Dominic and Valentine’s tale ended happily, I’m eager to read the sequel because of the tantalising glimpses we were given of what was to come.

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