Cashvertising (PDF/ePUB) By Drew Eric Whitman Read Online

Cashvertising (PDF/ePUB) By Drew Eric Whitman Read Online for free and Download.

Cashvertising Book Information

Book Name:Cashvertising
Author:Drew Eric Whitman
File Type:PDF/ePub (Downloadable)
PDF Size:4.65 MB
ePub Size989 KB
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Your mental processes are being directed without your knowledge, and you are completely oblivious to it.

Because modern advertisements are more than simply gorgeous visuals and clever content, if that’s what you believe they are. In reality, you are being subtly but significantly impacted by dozens of well-established scientific principles of advertising psychology. These are subtle methods of consumer persuasion that are entirely invisible to the general public. And they’re the reason you and millions of others spend so much money on so many things on a daily basis.

But just what are these guidelines? How do they function? And how would one put them to use in one’s own promotional efforts?
You’re in for a one-of-a-kind educational experience with author Drew Eric Whitman takes you on a wild ride down New York’s famous Madison Avenue and reveals the exact psychological techniques used by today’s top copywriters and designers to influence the masses—techniques that you can use to quickly increase sales of whatever you’re selling.

In only 207 brisk pages, Whitman imparts to you the wisdom of three decades’ worth of experience in advertising.
It’s not difficult to learn how to “push the hot buttons” of your prospects in every ad, sales letter, or email.

  • Why Creating a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Can Leave the Competition Behind It is the easiest approach to start immediately out-marketing the competition. (And they’ll be completely unprepared.)
  • If you want to make effective advertisements, you don’t need a business degree. However, there is one thing you absolutely must know.
  • Learn from the experts and get an ad agency mindset to influence customer purchasing decisions.
  • This one concept is worth much more than the cost of the book itself (and you can put it to use right away): how to save $600 for every $1,000 you spend on advertising.
  • Unless your commercials, emails, websites, and other promotional materials pass the Amazing 5-Second, No-Fail Headline Test, you may consider yourself unlucky. Modifying only one thing improves how you react.
  • How to make an in-depth, emotional connection with your readers by learning what a good advertisement should “feel” like.
  • Learn the tricks of the trade for implanting persuasive mental pictures of your goods and services into the minds of consumers.
  • It’s not what you believe, but there’s a good reason why people buy your product or service. (But if you want to know the reason, you best know it.)
  • Where You Should Constantly Highlight Your Greatest Advantage — Ignore This and Your Ad Spend Will Be Wasted.
  • A Treasure Trove of Ad Headlines You Can “Steal” * Learn the Secrets of Writing “Dragon-Slayer” Headlines That Get Read and Get Response Which Is Better for a Reaction Rate: a Long or Short Message? Don’t fall for their tricks! We’ll clear the air so you may capitalise, and we will.
  • Using knowledge of human visual behaviour, you may use the devilishly effective Pyramid Principle to draw readers into your adverts. Here are 22 tried-and-true headline remedies that you may use immediately. Transforming Everyday Language into “Money-Magnet” Copy that Inspires Action and Changes Minds. (You can really do this.)
    Insert Your Copy Here to See a 10-20% Increase in Views * If it’s so easy, why doesn’t everyone do it? Here Are 10 Proven Methods You Can Use Right Away to Write More Effective Ads.
  • How Emotional Words Melt Sales Resistance Like a Red Hot Knife Through Butter; Getting Customers to Visualise Your Products in Their Minds Before They Buy. Effective and “sneaky” psychological techniques for ad design—begin utilising them now.
    Are you using these readership-diminishing fonts? Your readership will plummet if you commit this “evil” design sin. Up to 50% — Do you take the plunge?
  • An overused font diminishes readability. Increase your savings by up to 67% — Are you taking advantage of this offer?
  • The “Advertising Guillotine” catches the eye because it features the one picture that people can’t resist. And Even More

About The Author Drew Eric Whitman

The individual referred to as “Drew” Eric Whitman, commonly known as “Dr. Direct!,” is a highly regarded marketing expert, distinguished author, and influential figure in the field of advertising. Drew possesses nearly forty years of expertise in developing direct-response advertising text for a wide range of organisations, thereby refining his abilities via practical experience within ad-agency environments. Consequently, he has accumulated a substantial amount of information that distinguishes him from others in the field.

Drew possesses a notable proficiency in the realm of advertising, characterised by his inventive methodology that is firmly grounded in the psychological aspects of consumer response to advertisements. The individual’s extensive comprehension of consumer behaviour has resulted in widespread acclaim, establishing them as an esteemed expert in the field. The individual’s compelling and energetic manner of speech, along with his adeptness in understanding the thought processes of consumers, renders him a highly coveted presence at prominent marketing conferences held across the globe.

Cashvertising Book Summary

An Expert’s Comprehensive Guide to Advertising

The act of selling is considered to be a fundamental form of human contact. However, a significant proportion of specialists in the advertising industry and its associated sectors has limited knowledge regarding the underlying factors that motivate consumer purchasing behaviour. In this concise and impactful publication, Drew Eric Whitman elucidates the enigmatic nature of consumer behaviour by providing an elucidation of key psychological principles. The author’s extensively researched recommendations will assist in the development of advertisements that effectively target the underlying desires and impulses of clients. While Whitman’s guidance can be applied to several forms of advertising, his emphasis is mostly on print advertising. Consequently, certain readers may desire additional perspectives on web copy or broadcasting. However, it is highly recommended by getAbstract as Whitman’s delivery of essential advertising advice is both captivating and impactful.

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