The Ritual (PDF/ePub) By Shantel Tessier Read Online

The Ritual (ePUB/PDF) By Shantel Tessier Read Online for free.

The Ritual Information

Book Name:The Ritual
AuthorShantel Tessier
File Type:PDF/ePub (Downloadable)
PDF Size:2.53 MB
ePub Size1.76 MB
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I vow. This is a promise. We vow.

The Lords, a shadowy organisation who demand blood as dues, reside at Barrington University. They stand head and shoulders above every other group of men on the planet. They’ve made violence and the pursuit of power their life’s work. And in their final year of high school, they are given the opportunity to pick one.

I can assure you that contrary to popular belief, being born into a wealthy family is not liberating. Everything in my life is just as it was intended to be. Prior to meeting Ryat Alexander Archer, I was never given the opportunity to pursue my dreams. He gave me something that no one else had: independence.

Because of this, I decided to become his. Still, he succeeded in convincing me of what was, in reality, another of his lies. A means by which the Lords coerce you into performing their bidding.

After being pulled into the Lords’ sick and twisted world, I accepted my new duty and let Ryat use me as a prize. The game quickly turned into a struggle for survival, however, as is the case with all things. And death was the only escape.

Beginning of the Plot

The oath of a LORD is taken very seriously. Only through the shedding of blood will they be fully committed to serving those who demand their whole allegiance. He is a Deity, a Leader, and understands when it is appropriate to Rule. He also believes in Order. In order to become a member, a Lord is required to undergo initiation, however membership may be revoked at any moment and for any cause.

If he is successful in overcoming the three challenges of the initiation, he will always have access to power and prosperity. However, not every Lord has the same make-up or personality. Some of them are more powerful, intelligent, and hungry than others. They are put in difficult situations in order to test the extent of their allegiance. They are tested beyond their capabilities in order to demonstrate their unwavering commitment. They are ready to demonstrate their dedication to the cause. Nothing less than their life will do; there is no other option. The boundaries will be challenged, and morality will be cast aside.

A Lord has the power to act as both a judge and an executioner. He wields an authority that is unparalleled by anybody else, with the exception of his brother. If they are successful in overcoming all of the challenges associated with the initiation process, he will be given a prize in the form of a selected one. She is a reward for his subservience to him. Website address:

About The Author Shantel Tessier

Shantel has been featured in both the Wall Street Journal and the USA Today. She and her high school sweetheart, now her beautiful, supportive husband, and their two girls live in Oklahoma. She enjoys nothing more than curling up on the couch with a book. She enjoys writing, but her family is her top priority.

The Ritual Book Summary

This novel has left me with conflicting emotions. I’ve never read anything by Shantel Tessier before, but I was blown away by her vivid descriptions and vivid characters. They had great connection, and I enjoyed watching their relationship develop.The Lords, the shadowy organisation, didn’t feel fully realised to me.

The very first chapter, in which they practically had Ryat murder someone for them, set the tone for how horrific everything would become. The secret organisation seemed to be motivated solely by the pursuit of wealth and power, and its “rituals” came off as forced and confusing to me.

The fact that it appeared that nearly everyone Ryat was killing was a previous “Lord” made me ponder why someone would ever want to become a Lord if doing so would result in certain death. There must be a less difficult path to power for wealthy white males than joining a shadowy organisation with total authority over their lives.End of rant! Despite this, I found the sexy scenes to be among the greatest I’ve read, and I enjoyed the connection between the characters.

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