Bodhidharma Quotes in hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu

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Bodhidharma quotes & Teachings

Zen is the state of not thinking about anything. Everything you do after that is Zen, whether you’re walking, sitting, or lying down.

Enlightenment & Mind

People with the deepest understanding, on the other hand, look within themselves, unaffected by anything. They understand a Buddha without utilising their minds since a clear mind is the Buddha.

Meditation & Enlightenment by The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma

Those who worship don’t know what they’re doing, and those who know what they’re doing don’t worship.

Bodhidharma Quotes
Bodhidharma quotes in English

To be on the lookout is to be on the receiving end of suffering. It is happiness to desire nothing.

Zen Bodhidharma

That’s your mind at every point where language fails.


This world’s inhabitants are deceived. They’re always yearning for something—in a word, they’re always on the lookout. The wise, on the other hand, awaken. They prefer logic over tradition. They focus their minds on the exquisite while allowing their bodies to shift with the seasons. All phenomena are meaningless. They don’t have anything worth wanting.

Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma

Everyone knows the way, but only a few actually take it.

Quotes of Bodhidharma

Evil deeds bring sufferings, whereas good deeds bring blessings, according to the Sutras.

Bodhidharma Quotes

The intellect is our true nature. Our nature is our mind. This nature is same to all buddhas’ minds. This mind is only transmitted by past and future Buddhas. There is no Buddha outside of this thought. Deluded people, on the other hand, are unaware that their own thought is the Buddha. They continue their search outside. They never cease invoking or worshipping Buddhas, and they always wonder where the Buddha is. Don’t be fooled by such delusions. Just be aware of your thoughts. There is no Buddha beyond your thoughts. “Everything that has shape is an illusion,” the sutras teach. “Wherever you are, there is a Buddha,” they also say. The Buddha is your mind. Don’t worship a buddha with a buddha.

The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma

There is nothing divine in this vast void.

Bodhidharma quotes a-z

You won’t understand either your mind or reality if you study it with your mind. You will understand both if you examine reality without utilising your thinking.

Bodhidharma Teachings

False thinking is the source of poverty and hardship.

Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma

A buddha is a person who is sedentary. He isn’t in it for the money or the celebrity.

Bodhidharma Quotes

Nothing is sacred, and everything is sacred.

Bodhidharma Quotes

Wisdom is the absence of ignorance.

Bodhidharma Quotes

All things grow from the root of the mind. Everything else is included if you can understand the mind. It’s similar to a tree’s root. The root is responsible for all of a tree’s fruit, blooms, branches, and leaves. A tree multiplies when its roots are nourished. It dies if the root is cut. Enlightenment comes easily to those who comprehend the mind.

Bodhidharma Teachings

The three poisons are at the basis of the uneducated mind’s innumerable illnesses, passions, and sorrows. Greed, rage, and delusion are three words that come to mind when I think about greed, fury, and deception

Bodhidharma Teachings

It is liberation to be free of words.

Bodhidharma Quotes

Because pain drives mortals to seek knowledge, every sorrow is a buddha-seed. But you can only declare that hardship leads to enlightenment. Suffering cannot be equated with buddhahood. The field is your body and psyche. Suffering represents the seed, wisdom represents the sprout, and Buddhahood represents the grain.

Bodhidharma Teachings

Our karma has no effect on us, regardless of what we do.

Bodhidharma Quotes

A Buddha is someone who finds happiness in both good and terrible fortune.

The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma

Buddhahood vanishes when the mortal intellect appears. Buddhahood appears when the mortal consciousness fades away. Reality vanishes when the mind appears. When the mind fades away, reality emerges. Whoever understands that nothing is dependent on anything else has discovered the Way. And whoever understands that the mind is dependent on nothing is always enlightened.

Enlightenment of Bodhidharma

The further you get from the truth, the more nasty and joyful feelings you’ll experience. There’s also deceit of one’s own self.

Bodhidharma Teachings

To progress from mortal to Buddha, you must put an end to karma, cultivate mindfulness, and accept whatever life throws at you.

Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma

Deluded people, on the other hand, are unaware that their own thought is the Buddha. They continue their search outside.

Bodhidharma Quotes

Buddha denotes knowledge of the body and mind, which prevents evil from manifesting in either.


Conditions, not ourselves, govern us as mortals.


This world’s inhabitants are deceived. They’re always yearning for something – in a word, they’re always on the lookout.

Bodhidharma Teachings

All natures are pure, according to the Dharma. All appearances are empty in the face of this truth.

The Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma

The Way is nearly flawless. It doesn’t need to be perfected.

The Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma

Detachment is the core of the Way. The purpose of those who practise is to be free from the constraints of appearances.

Bodhidharma Teachings

Precepts are not observed by a Buddha. A Buddha is neither good nor bad. A Buddha is neither dynamic nor sedentary. A Buddha is a person who does nothing, who is incapable of focusing his mind on a Buddha. A Buddha isn’t the same as a Buddha. Don’t even consider Buddhas.

Bodhidharma Quotes

When your eyes are open, you may see mountains of gems and as many servants as there are grains of sand down the Ganges. But what happens if your eyes are closed? Then you should understand that everything you see is a dream or an illusion.

Mind _ Bodhidharma

The path to prosperity is well-known, but only a few choose to take it.

Zen Bodhidharma

There are no insides, outsides, or middles in reality.


You won’t understand either your mind or reality if you study it with your mind. You will understand both if you examine reality without utilising your thinking. Those who do not comprehend do not comprehend understanding. Those who comprehend comprehend not comprehending.

The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma

If we are fortunate enough to receive a large reward, such as fame or riches, it is the result of a seed we planted in the past.

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