A Thousand Boy Kisses (PDF/ePUB) By Tillie Cole Read Online

A Thousand Boy Kisses (PDF/ePUB) By Tillie Cole Read Online for free.

A Thousand Boy Kisses Information

Book Name:A Thousand Boy Kisses
Author:Tillie Cole
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Also Reada-million-kisses-in-your-lifetime

Just a single kiss is fleeting. A thousand words of love, however, can last a lifetime. A single male. Only one female. A connection that may be made in a heartbeat and last a lifetime. A connection that can’t be severed by anything, not even time or space. A connection that will last a lifetime. Or so the thinking goes.

Norwegian teenager Rune Kristiansen has just one goal in mind when he travels to the little Georgia town of Blossom Grove, where he met his childhood best friend Poppy Litchfield. The girl who represented half of his soul and who had vowed to wait for him dutifully when he returned suddenly broke him off without giving him any reason. Rune’s silence about Poppy two years ago destroyed his heart. When he learns the truth, he realises that the worst is yet to come.

This standalone young adult romance is suitable for readers above the age of fourteen.

About The Author Tillie Cole

I took a break from school for two years, then came back to earn a certificate in teaching social studies at the high school level. For seven “proper mint” and “lush” years, Tillie felt at home in Newcastle and embraced the Geordie way of life.

A thousand books into her cherished Kindle, Tillie turned to her husband one summer day and said, “D’you know, I have a terrific idea for a story. A book is at my reach. After hearing her use the same old sentence at the end of yet every finished tale, her husband finally told her to ‘just bloody do it!’ when it came to writing a novel. Tillie finally listened to him after eleven years (he’s still reeling from the shock) and embarked on a wild adventure, delving deeply into her active imagination.

Since then, Tillie’s writing has come straight from the heart. She like campy and glitzy things, dark and gloomy males (especially those with lots of tattoos and a lot of muscle), and comedy. Believe it or not, she also has a more serious side. There’s more to this lady than slang and rhinestones; she has a deep passion for the study of World Religions, History, and Cultural Studies, and she weaves profound themes and ideas into her fantastical writing.

After six years of teaching high school Social Studies and travelling Europe with her professional rugby player husband, Tillie and her husband have settled down in Calgary, Alberta, where she spends most of her days (and many late nights) immersed in a writing euphoria or pursuing a glittering career as a barrel-racing, tassel-chap-wearing, Stetson-sporting cowgirl. Ye-haw!

A Thousand Boy Kisses Book Summary

My biggest pet peeve is the ending where one partner in a couple dies. Around the 30 percent mark, I began to cry, and I couldn’t stop until the credits rolled.

Poppy is a wonderful, powerful character. To put it simply, I admire her greatly. She has a lot of maturity for her age, in my opinion. She was proud to have the illness. She didn’t wallow in self-pity or harbour resentment towards her limited lifespan, but rather made the most of every day. I really look up to her fortitude because I know that if something similar happened to me, I wouldn’t be able to handle it the way she did. For Poppy, the adage “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” was written specifically. One odd thing about this book is that the characters talk and act like they are much older than they actually are. No one between the ages of 15 and 17 would ever speak like this in real life.

The dialogue was so trite and syrupy that I had to dock a star. The line between cute and corny is quite thin, and this novel teetered on it a few occasions. The dialogue between Poppy and Rune was similarly monotonous.

She was the cherry blossom; her name was Poppy, Poppymin. She was the sakura to my winter. A rare and breathtaking beauty that won’t last forever. A elegance so sublime that it is doomed to extinction as beauty. After adding to our life, it floats away. Remembered always. We need this reminder because it forces us to keep going. That life is delicate, but there is power in its vulnerability. There is affection. This is not random. It’s a sobering reminder that no matter how hard we try, our time here on Earth is limited and our fate is written in stone. It serves as a constant reminder not to squander any time. Take risk, and make love count. Go after your goals, and have some fun… Get pictures of this! Enjoy a lovely life.

The ending leaves me feeling quite conflicted. Did it end well? Is that not so? It had a bittersweet flavour to it. Even though Rune and Poppy were finally reunited at the end, I was saddened by the fact that his death came at such a young age.

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