Hunting Adeline (PDF/ePUB) By H.D. Carlton Read Online

Hunting Adeline (PDF/ePUB) By H.D. Carlton for free read online.

Hunting Adeline Book Information

Book Name:Hunting Adeline
Author:H.D. Carlton
SeriesCat and Mouse Duet #2
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size5.07 MB
ePub Size2.70 MB
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The concluding act of the cat-and-mouse saga…

The Gemstone We Call a Diamond

I am accompanied by death, yet I am stronger than the Grim Reaper.
I can’t get out of this place where the men are monsters and the others aren’t what they seem to be.
They can’t hold onto me indefinitely.
I’ve become someone I barely recognise, and I’m desperately trying to find my way back to the monster that stalks the night.
They say I’m a diamond, but all they’ve done is make a death angel.

One Who Hunts

I was bred to be a killer, and bloodlust runs deep in my veins.
It’s like a diamond concealed in a fortress: when it’s taken from me, I can no longer keep the beast inside.
As I rip this universe apart, blood will splatter the earth.
And return her to her rightful place.
Those who have betrayed me will not be spared my fury.

This is the concluding part of the Duet, so be warned. Haunting Adeline is required reading.

About The Author H.D. Carlton

Addie, a writer, is the protagonist of Haunting Adeline. She is the sole inhabitant of the haunted estate she inherited from her grandmother. Not long after she moves in, she learns that her great-grandmother was murdered there, and the perpetrator was never brought to justice. The fact that Addie, like her dead grandmother, had a stalker begins to evoke parallels between the two women’s lives. Addie has just realised that she has being followed both inside and outside the house. The more she reads from her great-grandmother’s notebooks, the more she fears that she is living through a reenactment of the events that led to her being stalked.

The ghost story Haunting Adeline gave me the chills. Addie’s pretty terrifying stalker, Zade, made the already creepy mansion feel like something I should only read in broad daylight. The ghosts in Addie’s house were unsettling, but I didn’t get the impression that they were actively trying to harm her or were malicious. You might start hearing things that aren’t there if you live alone and listen to this one.

My feelings about Addie and Zade’s connection are particularly complicated to describe. Addie has a stalker named Zade. He makes no attempt to conceal his obsession with her, and Addie makes no jokes about their rocky beginnings together. When it comes to Addie, Zade is not a good person. This is not the book for you if you’re hoping for a classic love story. But I thought it was cute when Zade and Addie dated. She became even sassier around him, and he never had the last word. The two had a level of chemistry that was through the roof. The passion between Zade and Addie was intense.

The mystery was handled adequately, but you shouldn’t have been expecting anything truly groundbreaking or startling. Addie’s great-grandmother’s fate was rather obvious early on. Since that was a subplot, I didn’t feel like it took away from my enjoyment of the nove.

Hunting Adeline Book Summary

With absolute certainty, I state that Hunting Adeline is the most morbid book I have ever read.

As much as it was difficult to read about those topics, I’m also grateful for them because sometimes you need to see the ugly side of the world, However, I promise that this is the last time I dismiss TWs. I had a hard time getting into the first part, but I was warned by the author and people who have read the book that it was dark, so I can’t complain.

Why the sickest people on earth try so hard to seem beautiful has always baffled me. Snakes don’t care how much glitter you put on them; they’ll still bite you.

I had to take days off in between readings of the first half since it forced me to think about so many things, and my heart hurt for everything that happened to Addie.

I found the author’s narration of each section, however difficult and visceral, to be deeply respectful. She did a good job depicting the complexity of the topic of human trafficking without glamorising any of the characters involved.

Scars are reminders of our resilience rather than the causes of our demise.

If the first portion of the book broke my heart, Addie’s recovery was like soothing salve for my wounds. She doesn’t sugarcoat the aftereffects of her tragedy and is brutally forthright about how she feels about herself.

Of course, Zade was there the entire time, and even though his methods of assistance were a bit (okay, a lot) unconventional, the fact remains that he was there, and for that I am eternally grateful.


I had great enjoyment in this book, comparable to my first reading experience, and maybe even surpassing it. Zade and Adeline will perpetually occupy a significant emotional space inside my being. The personalities in question possess remarkable qualities that make them indelible in the minds of the audience. The primary focus of this literary work does not revolve on romantic themes, but rather centres on the narrative of Adeline, her process of recovery, and the endurance of her relationship with Zade, despite the absence of agency in her decision-making. I would not readily endorse this book to a wide audience due to its substantial content. However, if one derives pleasure from reading novels of this kind, then this particular book would be highly recommended.

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